Why Paint With Acrylic Paint On Canvas?

Acrylic paint on canvas offers many advantages to the painter.
Many professional painters have preconceived ideas about acrylic because, in fact, they started with oil painting and therefore, this technique requires very high standards, they no longer prefer to turn to acrylic. acrylic that seems too simplistic.
It’s a shame, because painting in acrylic on canvas offers many possibilities, both for the beginner painter and for the Famous Artists!
For painters who are new to abstract painting, the use of acrylic paint on canvas is perfect because it does not have the complexity of oil painting (example: painting fat on thin) but also the complexity of other mediums such as watercolor, charcoal…
Canvas Art Paintings art shopping place  offers many possibilities and allows the painter to paint with a lot of spontaneity.
Sometimes acrylic paint gets a bad rap!
It’s unfair and a shame because acrylic is no better or worse than oil paint, watercolor or any other painting technique.
It is simply a very specific painting technique that the painter can learn to tame well as he practices, over time, over the years…
In fact, the basic pigments are exactly the same for acrylic paint , for oil paint, for watercolor etc. For example, for oil paint the binder is linseed oil, and when the artist wants to liquidate the oil paint it caAcrylic allows me to paint to emotions and layer colors easily on top of each other on my abstract painting. When the acrylic paint is dry you can paint over it and repair mistakes, it is clear that when painting with acrylic you need to be able to rinse your brushes quickly. I damaged a lot of brushes because the paint dried very quickly. Therefore, once the work of the painter is finished, you must rinse your brushes very quickly (the ideal being to rinse your brushes with Marseille soap), otherwise the paint dries on the bristles and it becomes complicated to clean his brushes with the risk of having to throw them away…
While for oil paint, it takes a long time to dry so you have a little more time to rinse your brushes even if of course it is better to wash them immediately after use in order to give them a good longevity.
So yes sometimes acrylic paint suffers from a bad reputation and it’s a shame because it has the advantage of having colors that do not yellow over time, which is not negligible! When investing in a beautiful work of art it is good to have colors that do not change over time whereas oil paint will cause change since the binder is linseed oil (it is suitable so simply to protect the painting well once the painting is finished, with a good anti-UV varnish) and let’s not forget that acrylic has the advantage of not cracking, something that is regularly found on oil paintings. oil painters who are starting out because the technique being complex the paint can crack. Of course, an experienced painter who perfectly masters oil painting will not encounter this kind of problem. You can therefore confidently buy an oil painting from a painter who has mastered this technique perfectly.
Certainly not mixed with water but with gasoline. turpentine!
While for acrylic, the binder is a product of synthetic origin, which allows the paint to be mixed with water.
The advantage of acrylic paint is also that there is no smell, unlike oil paint 🙂
With oil paint, you can rework the work after several hours because it takes an extremely long time to dry, whereas acrylic paint on canvas dries extremely quickly. So either you fix your mistake right away when the paint is still wet, or once it’s dry you can’t modify it or else with more difficulty because acrylic is a paint that allows you to paint spontaneously (which also do not like to do all the painters).